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Your 2020 Learning Circle Speakers and Topics

With a focus on bringing you varied educational experiences through our Learning Circle Series, WCWI is pleased to introduce to you our speakers and topics for the 2020 season.

find out more about our learning circle series

Session 1: Skill Building & Professional Development

Through her work at Rogers InHealth, Sarah Reed, PhD, works through partnerships to reduce the stigma associated with mental health challneges, trauma, and substance abuse. She will kick off our Learning Circle Series in "Finding Purpose Through the Practice of Strategic Storytelling" and dive into how we can use this skill to connect value to our professional purpose and mission to contribute to a compassionate work culture.

Session 2: Cultural and Transformational Idea

Beth Ridley, MA, MBA, founder of The Brimful Life believes a positive, connected and committed organizational culture is critical to business success. She is driven to inspire and equip attendees to develop a positive mental mindset and impactful leadership competencies. Join us as she will be presenting on how to “Transform Your Organizational Culture with Positive Psychology.”

Session 3: New and Emerging Trends 

Jessica Raddeman, Health & Wellness Director, and Beth Stewart, Health Management Consultant, team up to share key findings of Willis Towers Watson’s newly released Global Benefits Attitudes Survey results. In their session "Just What the Data Ordered", you’ll learn what data-driven trends are on the rise and how it can impact and support your organization’s health and wellbeing strategies.

Session 4: Case Study

For our final session, we will be “Showcasing Wisconsin Employers” by featuring a collection of short presentations by your Learning Circle peers. Each participant will give a short case study presentation (no more than 5 minutes) to share a skill, concept, idea or trend they are actively making steps to implement within their organization. Facilitated discussion around the topics and presentations will be guided by WCWI’s Angeline Day, MPH, CHES, Program Specialist.  

Angeline Day, MPH, CHES
Program Specialist
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