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IT’S HERE! We are excited to present your

2019 Learning Agenda. 

We’ve enhanced our learning opportunities to provide you a variety of ways to enhance your organization's wellness strategies, connect with the WCWI community, and grow professionally. Let's look at what's new!

Your roadmap

Virtual Roundtables

New this year: Our industry specific Roundtables have gone virtual! 
By creating a virtual experience, you'll be able to connect with industry peers throughout the state! Before each session, each Roundtable participant will receive a Prep-Kit that includes thought-provoking questions, concepts, and resources to bring maximum value to the conversation. WCWI Roundtables are strictly devoted to individuals who are eager to share experiences, visions of future trends, and challenges. Most importantly, they'll share the common goal of educating, enlightening, and uplifting one another. 
Interested in what industry-specific topics our first Roundtables will cover?  Check out our Roundtables page for a preview!

First Sessions:  February 19 or February 21 *depending on your industry

Learn More  Register

Learning Circle Series

Looking for the perfect study group?

Our Learning Circles offer a collaborative, in-person learning environment where “Everybody Learns. Everybody Teaches”. This program has a strong educational component through presentations, case studies, and group activities led by subject matter experts. Yet, its highly flexible structure allows us to explore many topics! 

First Session: "Activate Connection: The Neuroscience of Conversation"
For our first Learning Circle in late February/ or early March, Jacy Imilkowski will provide guidance on having challenging conversations that influence connection and collaboration to drive your wellness strategy goals.
In our May Learning Circle, we will explore how to apply Authenticity to Influence Employee Wellbeing with Aaron Hunnel. 
Learn More  Register

Well Workplace University

New this year: Our 2019 Well Workplace University features WELCOA's evolved 7 Benchmarks!

As WCWI’s flagship training, Well Workplace University (WWU) is a unique opportunity to join a full-day, in-person training experience with your local WCWI team providing expert insight. You will gain a deeper understanding of WELCOA’s evolved 7 Benchmarks and the Well Workplace framework, and you’ll master the knowledge and skills to design a customized employee wellness strategy based on your organization’s needs, values, and goals. 

First Session: Friday, February 15th in Madison
Learn More  Register

TECH Training

This is a brand new, intensive training!
TECH Training is a virtual development and networking group formed with the intention to connect like-minded professionals for collaboration, idea-sharing, and learning. TECH Training will focus on enhancing personal wellbeing, organizational wellbeing, and expanding strategic perspective of wellbeing practitioners across the state of Wisconsin. The TECH Training virtual platform will bring together ten of Wisconsin's innovative wellbeing leaders to collaboratively explore WCWI's TECH curriculum. 
Applications are due to by March 6, 2019.
Learn More apply

Angeline Day, MPH, CHES
Program Manager
Learn more about me.

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