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What does Committed and Aligned Leadership look like?

Our industry has been shifting from activity-based wellness and outcomes-based programming to a culture-focused strategy that supports the whole employee. The intention for Wellness has progressed to focusing on how can we support our employees in all aspects of their life—not just at the workplace. The challenge is how to weave this wellness vision into the greater mission, vision, and purpose of the organization.
Support from leadership within all levels of an organization is foundationally important when it comes to employee wellbeing strategy. However, the level of leadership buy-in goes beyond providing funding, verbal support, or wellness event participation.
What can Committed and Aligned Leadership look like?
  • Representation at all levels of the organization. It’s not just about titles—every level of leadership plays a role within the organization’s wellness strategy.
  • Managers recognize the importance of creating opportunities for employees to engage in healthy behaviors because they are gatekeepers for creating space and time.
  • Wellness Champions are a group of employees, separate from the wellness team, who can be the voice of supporting the organization’s wellness vision to fellow employees.
  • They contribute to a strong culture of employee wellness by ensuring all departments and areas of the organization understand their role in the wellness vision.
  • Leaders communicate clearly and frequently and are visible with all levels to position the importance of employee wellbeing in the larger organizational strategy and culture.
  • Supportive leadership who value employee wellbeing recognize employee’s strengths, help them build upon their skills and abilities, and provide recognition and appreciation for accomplishments.
  • Stakeholders and managers lead by example by prioritizing their own individual health and in turn support employees to do the same.
Having committed and aligned leadership drives opportunity to create an environment that allows employees to be their best selves at work and beyond. Thinking about your organization, I encourage you to think about what ways all levels of leaders can exhibit commitment and alignment to your organization’s wellness vision.
If you want to learn more and dive deep into strategy, I invite you to sign up for a WCWI Member Consultation.  With the expertise of WELCOA's 7 Benchmarks and over 30 years of supporting Wisconsin-based organizations to develop and enhance their employee wellness strategies, we have the ultimate local support you've been looking for.

Angeline Day, MPH, CHES
Program Manager
Learn more about me.

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