“We live in the world that our questions create.” ― David Cooperrider
Evaluation is the process of assessing and measuring. In the case of evaluating your wellness strategy, a vital way to frame your evaluation is to consider it an opportunity to assess the impact and value.
Though the question itself is simplistic, it allows your focus to expand to a broader sense of impact and shared results. By focusing on value, you can continue to define what matters most to your organization and your people.
Evaluation is not only a method of measuring value and impact, but also your process to identify key areas of opportunity in your strategy to build upon, enhance, eliminate, or change. It will reveal information that will help you innovate and generate your next ideas for your strategy. Consider these questions to influence your idea generation based on your evaluation results:
“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” ―Maya Angelou
WCWI Member Consultations - discuss tangible ideas and collaborative next steps with a WCWI team member
Attend Well Workplace University – gain a deeper understanding of the 7 benchmark well workplace framework
WCWI’s Learning Agenda – select a learning opportunity that best fits your needs
LEARN MORE. Gain firsthand insight to the resources, courses, and services our members have access to through one of our weekly Membership Orietnations. During this 35 minute orientation call, we'll navigate through the Wellness Council of Wisconsin's and WELCOA's member websites. Don't worry, we share our screen with you during this call!
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