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Well City Fond du Lac Celebrates


On October 13, 2016 Well City Fond du Lac hosted their 3rd Annual Celebration Event at Agensian HealthCare and the Wellness Council of Wisconsin was honored to be part of the celebration. The project had a lot to celebrate:  9 new employers achieved the coveted Well Workplace Award (WWA) designation from WELCOA, joining the 17 employers who achieved the WWA from preceding years.

Lawrence R. Richardson, Executive Director of Fond du Lac Area Businesses On Health (FABOH), kicked off the celebration reflecting on conversations that spurred this movement dating back to October 2011. He remarked, “these deep roots took hold, grew, and the Fond du Lac workforce and community are better off today!”


The following 9 companies were honored for their contributions to Well City Fond du Lac:

Adult Care Consultants
Buechel Stone
FIVES Giddings and Lewis
Fond du Lac Area Convention and Visitors Bureau
Fond du Lac School District
Fox Valley Savings Bank
Jackson Kahl Insurance Services, LLC
Lutheran Homes and Health Services
School District of North Fond du Lac


Ten remarkable videos were shared and we couldn’t help but smile ear to ear during the entire showing.  The videos showcase the successes, advancements and impact the wellness programs have made.  We couldn’t help but feel a strong admiration for the work these businesses do to help their employees be well.  Keep up the great work, Fond du Lac!

Well City Fond du Lac will know if they have achieved the Well City USA designation they have been working towards. 
A separate event is planned in December 2016.


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