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WELCOA 2016 Summit Review and Resources

The Wellness Council of Wisconsin had the pleasure of attending and assisting with the WELCOA Summit that took place April 25-26, 2016. We explored new concepts like presence, purpose and creativity, and rediscovered new approaches to increasing physical activity and promoting better nutrition and sleep. We're eager to share a few resources and tools from the Summit!




Fun Fact:

There were


Wisconsin wellness practitioners in attendance!

Recommended books and studies provided by the keynote speakers:
"Give and Take: Why Helping Others Drives Our Success"
by Adam Grant
"The Burden of Stress in America"
by NPR/Robert Wood Johnson Foundation/Harvard School
"Life on Purpose: How Living for What Matters Most Changes Everything"
by Victor J. Strecher
"The Power of Full Engagement"
by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz
"Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength"
by Roy F. Baumeister and John Tierney
"Firms of Endearment: How World-Class Companies Profit from Passion and Purpose"
by R. Sisodia, D. Wolfe, J. N. Sheth
The Steelcase Wellness Study
by Dee W. Edington and University of Michigan Health Management Research Center (HMRC)
"The Slow Down Diet"
by Marc David
"Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More Than We Think"
by Brian Wansink


Interactive Game for your Employees:
RO-SHAM-BO Rockstar
Rock Paper Scissors with a twist of team collaboration!
-Led by Playworks-

Reframing Why, How, and What We Eat 
by Rachel Druckenmiller 
Creative Nutritional Program Titles: 
"Lettuce ("let us") Do Lunch!"
Taste the Rainbow
MYO (make your own) Trail Mix Bar
YOLO MYO FROYO (You only live once, make your own Froyo)
Eating for Energy
Boost your Brain
Beyond the Scale
Giving Yourself S.P.A.C.E.
by Vic Strecher
The evidence is mounting that those who have a strong purpose:
   -live longer
   -have stronger health behaviors
   -experience fewer sleep disturbances
   -2.4 times less risk from alzheimers
   -17% less overnight stays in hospital
   -and the list goes on.
Strecher provided a new approach, with JOOL Health, to behavior change by focusing on purpose, instead on yearly HRAs, statistical analysis, and general population models.
A purpose based four core values:

After an invidividual composes their purpose with these four core values, the idea is to shift their focus to life fulfillment- instead of "disease avoidance". The focus on life fulfillment would be comprised of daily assessments of health behaviours that support a purposeful life: S.P.A.C.E. (sleep, presence, activity, creativity, and eating).

So the questions are:
How would an organization adapt this approach (with or without the use of JOOL Health)?
Can this approach be adapted with the continued use of HRAs and biometric screenings?

Join the discussion in our LinkedIn Group!

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