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WCWI Board of Directors Slate of Nominations for 2020

-WCWI Member Action Requested-

We ask each WCWI member (the primary delegate of the membership) to please signify your acceptance of the slate of nominations by submitting your electronic proxy vote by Friday, November 22, 2019.

Submit Your Proxy Vote of Acceptance of the Slate of Nominations

As an order of business, the Wellness Council of Wisconsin’s Board of Directors recommends two individuals to join the Board beginning in 2020. WCWI reviewed several Nominations of highly qualified and passionate professionals. Each nominee brought a unique perspective, experience, and skillset and it was a difficult decision to arrive at the slate of two individuals. 

WCWI’s Nominating Committee works diligently to ensure that our Board is representative of WCWI’s membership including diversity of industry, workforce, size and regional location; as well as inclusive of a variety of viewpoints, experience, and expertise that will support the operations of the organization. Most importantly, we welcome leaders who will advocate for WCWI’s vision and mission, and those who are dedicated to the continued growth and impact of WCWI. 

During the review process, we gave significant consideration to the current needs of the organization and the Board. After thorough review and discussion, the Board formally recommends to the members of the corporation that the following two individuals be elected to WCWI’s Board of Directors:

  1. Lynell Meeth, Director of Member Content | MRA
  2. Lyndsay Zwirlein, Sales Executive | The Horton Group

View their biographies here

Marissa Kalkman, MS, MCHES
Executive Director
Learn more about me.

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