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Transform Your Wellness Strategy with WCWI Consultations

Workplace wellness is evolving to further focus on supporting organizations to thrive, with initiatives that support employees through their pursuit to reach full potential in all aspects of their lives. WELCOA’s definition of wellness posits that supporting employees in their wellness aspirations encompasses seven distinct areas of need - Health, Meaning, Safety, Connection, Achievement, Growth, and Resiliency. The traditional markers of wellness are still a part of the equation, but this definition of wellness opens the possibility for employers to have an even more profound impact on the culture of their organization in pursuit of healthy, happy, and flourishing employees. 
As you endeavor to develop, or enhance, your initiatives to support employee wellness – consider viewing your intentions through the lens of this expanded philosophy of wellness. The Well Workplace Process has been a foundational practice for building results-oriented wellness programs, and with the recent evolution of the 7 Benchmarks, there is an incredible opportunity for employers to take a broad and profound approach to impact a culture-focused wellness strategy
A culture-focused wellness strategy is a comprehensive and results-oriented plan that is designed and implemented across a long-term timeline. A culture-focused strategy is derived from the evolved 7 benchmarks and includes:
  • leadership and organizational culture as a driver of the value story for wellness
  • vision and goals for employee wellness that support the business
  • collection of a variety of meaningful data across the organization and all dimensions of wellness
  • data-driven initiatives and programs that support the whole employee
  • changes or enhancements to environment and policies
  • planned evaluation methods and ongoing iteration
Are you ready to shift your program to a culture-focused strategy? Your WCWI team can support you with a one-on-one consultation to explore your unique opportunities to transform your program into a culture-focused strategy that will assist and encourage your employees during their ongoing journey to reach their full potential. 

Marissa Kalkman, MS, MCHES
Executive Director
Learn more about me.

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