The Wellness Council of Wisconsin (WCWI) prides itself in hosting a diverse collection of programs focusing on thought provoking worksite wellness topics such as mindfulness, financial fitness, employee engagement, and more. On April 19th, at Sargento, Inc. in Plymouth, more than 25 professionals came together to become certified in WELCOA’s 7 Benchmark Process. Participants networked, engaged in the sharing of ideas, and gained critical knowledge that will help them to design successful worksite wellness programs.
Well Workplace University Participants:
WELCOA’s 7 Benchmark Certification can be completed via the WELCOA Institute, but our in-person session offers an experience like no other! Relationships were built, ideas were shared, and inspiration took root. Thanks to the program’s host, Sargento Inc., WCWI successfully executed a highly enlightening and successful series. Look for more opportunities to be part of the Wellness Workplace University!
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