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The Power of the Domino Effect

One of the many advantages of being a statewide organization is the opportunity to engage in community collaboration. As we drove up to Maywood Environmental Park, in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, we were greeted by budding spring flowers, trails and wildlife. It was the perfect setting to host a CEO breakfast to promote employer support for the Well County Sheboygan initiative.

In order to move the project forward, it requires support from the ground up and the top down. The event started out with conversation and networking that eventually prompted the discussion of the power of the domino effect; where one person’s transformation can impact an entire family, organization or community. It only takes one person to start the movement, but the driving forces of a community collaborative is what sparks pervasive change. The dream for Well County USA is to work with businesses and community leaders to make their workforce one of the healthiest in America.


Sheboygan County has that dream in sight as they strive to make positive health gains in their community and join the ranks of other Well City initiatives throughout the state.


The magic number is 20! The strategic plan includes a minimum of 20 CEO letters representing at least 20% of the workforce committing to becoming well workplaces and a member of the Wellness Council of Wisconsin. In order to create a visual depiction of this commitment, Jessica Raddemann, Executive Director of the Wellness Council of Wisconsin, expressed an ideal situation where employers care about their employees and support their efforts in health and well-being. This situation introduces Jeff, an imaginary resident in the Sheboygan area, where he has access to fresh fruits and vegetables because the community is collaborating to reverse the fate of preventative disease through local farmers markets. Through the collaborative nature of the community and the supportive environment created in the workforce, Jeff’s entire family can strive towards restored health and reduced healthcare costs.

After an inspiring event, we believe there is positive support for this project and are excited to assist Well County Sheboygan in the movement towards approval of the project and ultimately designation. 

Katie Reiels
Program Manager, 
Wellness Council of Wisconsin

We gratefully acknowledge the sponsors of the CEO Breakfast: 

Bemis Manufacturing Company

Hub International



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