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The Benefits of Gratitude

Gratitude is thankful appreciation for what we receive (tangible or intangible), and acknowledging how the positive things in our lives—like a success at work—are often due to forces or sources outside of ourselves, such as the efforts of other people. Evidence suggests that gratitude and appreciation help people connect with something larger than themselves as individuals, and contribute to the kind of workplace environments where employees actually want to come to work and don’t feel like cogs in a machine. Building cultures of gratitude and appreciation can transform our work lives, leading to deeper connections to each other and to the work we’re doing.
As pointed out by the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley, research studies on practicing gratitude is linked to several benefits:
  • Increased happiness and positive emotions
  • Strengthened relationships
  • Decreased likelihood to experience burnout and have greater resiliency (and fewer sick days)
  • Better physical health (decreased cellular inflammation)
  • Greater sense that we can achieve our goals
  • Increased satisfaction with life, our jobs, and our coworkers

As an organization, WCWI is grateful for our role of providing resources and opportunities for employers across the state of Wisconsin to connect, learn, and enhance their wellbeing initiatives and strategies. 

In 2019, 593 individuals representing 326 organizations have participated in one or more of our
learning opportunities through WCWI’s Learning Agenda

That's 593 more connections made within our statewide community of industry professionals coming together.  Thank you for your ongoing participation and support of WCWI offerings! Not only in this season of gratitude, but every day, we thank you for allowing us to be Wisconsin’s premier resource to our community of connected employers who are transforming their workforce.

Angeline Day, MPH, CHES
Program Manager
Learn more about me.

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