Register Today for your 2018 WCWI Programs!
Take your Pick! Check out your 2018 WCWI Programs:

“Great presenter! I really enjoy learning circles and the interaction between other wellness individuals. I think it is always a good mix of people and I feel comfortable talking about everyone's ideas and programs.”- Learning Circle Attendee
Learning Circles
Join our exclusive Learning Circle Series where everybody learns and everybody teaches! These unique programs offer a collaborative learning environment that may include presentations from subject matter experts, case studies, and group activities. The highly flexible structure contains a strong educational component, but allows us to explore topics creatively, share best practices, and learn from experts and each other to create high-value worksite wellness programs. When you join our Learning Circles, you become a part of an exclusive group that meets quarterly on various trending worksite wellness topics.
• Greater Milwaukee Area
• Madison
• Appleton

“I really enjoyed networking with others in similar industries to discuss barriers & options for improving our wellness initiatives."- Manufacturing Roundtable Attendee
Roundtables on Worksite Wellness
Are you a wellness professional in one of the industries below? Register to become a part of our industry-specific roundtable groups that are dedicated to peer to peer networking, idea sharing and collaborative strategy building! There are limited seats for this program and you don’t want to miss out on these conversations!
• Manufacturing Roundtable | Milwaukee Area
• Healthcare & Wellness Provider Roundtable | Milwaukee Area
• NEW! Public Sector Roundtable | Milwaukee Area
• Manufacturing Roundtable | Appleton Area

“So much valuable & helpful information was shared. Opportunities to ask questions was very helpful. I enjoyed most hearing what other companies are doing to get ideas and the small activities after each benchmark."- Workshop Participant
Well Workplace University
Well Workplace University, WELCOA's flagship training program, is a unique opportunity that will help you learn about the art and science of developing results-oriented wellness programs by immersing you in the "real world" of worksite wellness. Drawing from the actual experiences and practices of the best-run programs in the country, this course will expose you to a practical framework for building a successful program.
• January 31 | Greater Milwaukee Area
• April 26 | Madison