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Recognition Matters

Organizations are always looking for ways to be competitive in attracting talent and retaining employees. Workplace cultures that foster a holistic approach can help employees feel valued and connected to their roles in the organization. Incorporating recognition as part of your organization’s employee wellbeing strategy can have a significant impact on the employee’s experience.
According to research by O.C. Tanner, almost half of employees believe their organizations value productivity and bottom lines more than people. To flip this mentality for employees to truly feel valued, recognition should be given authentically and in a meaningful way, which is considered a key strategy when looking to support a people-focused approach. Not only will employees feel appreciated for their work, but also feel respected as an individual and for the value they contribute to the organization—and not as a means for making a profit. Further, recognition can cultivate positive trusting relationships among coworkers, managers, and leaders. Having social connection and support at work leads to more engagement, higher quality of work, and higher overall wellbeing among employees.

Did you know?

Organizations with successful Recognition and Wellbeing programs experience:

Source: O.C. Tanner, 2018

A few tips for applying meaningful recognition to your wellbeing strategy:
  • It’s the little things
    • While recognizing significant accomplishments is important, everyday gestures of gratitude can be just as motivating. Giving a small handwritten note of appreciation, or a shout-out in a group meeting can help build a regular culture of recognition.
    • Well Practice: Choose to Renew U (Froedtert) that includes a recognition idea using BINGO cards focused on "impacting others through positive action."
  • Detailed and relevant
    • Recognition is more meaningful when specific accomplishments and actions are acknowledged. By recognizing specific behaviors, employees are encouraged to continue quality work.
    • WCWI's Light of Wellness Awards - Nominate a fellow employee or leader by July 29th!
  • Connection to something greater
    • Use recognition practices to help employees see they are an integral and valued part for of the organization’s overall mission, vision, and success. Employees are more motivated when they feel connected to a larger purpose.
    • Expert Interview: Organizing as a Theory of Change - read how you can create power with the people when they view themselves as an integral piece of the organization's mission

Consider how your organization recognizes its employees. How are you able to tie in recognition with your organization's employee wellbeing strategy?

Angeline Day, MPH, CHES
Program Manager
Learn more about me.

Provide recognition through WCWI's Light of Wellness Awards


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