Member Login:


We’re excited to announce two new member benefits that focus on gratitude and recognition.

Why? Because we’re grateful for you! 

Doing a kindness produces the single most reliable increase in wellbeing [for the doer] of any exercise we've tested. Here is the exercise: find one wholly unexpected kind thing to do tomorrow and just do it. Notice what happens to your mood.


Dr. Martin Seligman, Founder of Positive Psychology

New Member Benefit:

WCWI Members have exclusive access to a FREE Sample KyndKit…and more!

WCWI is collaborating with KyndKit to provide WCWI member organizations a simple, yet meaningful, way to support their employees to do good things. KyndKits are small volunteer projects and acts of kyndness that can be delivered to your office. When your kit arrives, open it up, follow the instructions, and make an impact!  
The FREE Sample KyndKit: valued at $100
The task:  This Sample KyndKit is an activity of writing and sending letters of gratitude to the Educators in Wisconsin. This activity expresses thanks and appreciation to teachers and administrators who are educating tomorrow’s workforce. Each Sample KyndKit includes 10 letters, enough for 10 of your employees to participate.
What's included: 
• 10 Greeting Cards
• 10 Envelopes and Stamps
• 10 WCWI envelope sealers
• Markers and Pens
• List of WI Educators (schools/systems)
• BONUS! A guided gratitude practice to share with your team...
Here's how to get your Sample KyndKit:
  1. Nominate a champion to be recognized on The WCWI Leaderboard: Wisconsin’s Champions of Employee Wellbeing. Nominees are dedicated to their organization's employee wellbeing strategy and actively participate in enhancing their initiatives.
  2. Once your nomination is completed, you'll receive a promo code upon submission to claim your FREE Sample KyndKit through the WCWI’s e-store below.
  3. Act fast!  We only have 150 Sample KyndKits to give away and we will distribute them on a first-come-first-serve basis.
I want a FREE Sample KyndKit

New Member Benefit:

WCWI Leaderboard: Champions of Employee Wellbeing

WCWI is a community of connected employers who are transforming Wisconsin's workforce.  We are excited to recognize the leaders within our member organizations who are dedicated to actively enhancing employee wellbeing and taking the lead to transform Wisconsin’s workforce. These champions may be wellness team members, senior leaders, wellness practitioners, and more. 
Benefits of being featured as one of Wisconsin's Champions of Employee Wellbeing: 
• Champions will have a profile, quote, and picture featured on The WCWI Leaderboard webpage.  
• Champions will be placed among highly esteemed and well respected professionals within Wisconsin's employee wellbeing industry. 
• Champions will be recognized at WCWI's Annual Conference. 
• Champions will be featured in WCWI's enewsletters and on social media.
The WCWI staff and its selected Board of Directors Committee will review all submissions. The WCWI Leaderboard and its Champions will be publicly announced mid-March.
Nominate a Champion and receive a FREE Sample KyndKit

Lisa Grenfell, WELCOA Faculty
Assistant Director, Marketing & Membership
Learn more about me.

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By Mail: 885 Badger Cir., Grafton, WI 53024

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By Phone: 262.254.7888
