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Finding New Purpose for Living Well

What is the meaning of life? What are we meant to do? These sound like questions that should be asked in Philosophy 101 instead of Worksite Wellness. However, research suggests that purpose driven wellness programs create more sustainable results. 
Vic Strecher discusses how he found new purpose for living well after the loss of his daughter, Julia, in this two part interview: A Conversation on “Purpose" and Purpose-Driven… Finding Purpose in Your Worksite Wellness Program. You will also learn about the effect of purpose on traditional risk factors, as well as information and tools on how to incorporate purpose into wellness programs. 
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The Wellness Council of Wisconsin is thrilled that Vic Strecher will be the speaker at our Pre-Conference Summit on Tuesday, September 13, 2016 at Hyatt Regency/KI Convention Center in Green Bay, WI. Registration is now open for this half day event and for our 26th Annual Worksite Wellness Conference: Igniting the Evolution of Wellness on September 14, 2016.
We hope to see you there!
Pre-Conference Summit

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