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Congratulations are in Order!

We are excited to announce our most recent Well Workplace Award winners that have joined the ranks of America’s Healthiest companies. With the addition of these 3 organizations, Wisconsin has a total of 100 active Well Workplace Award winning organizations!

We applaud their efforts in making a commitment to the health and well-being of their employees and congratulate them on pursuing an award that validates their program! 

From the desk of your new Executive Director, “It is my pleasure to congratulate you on creating a successful, results-oriented wellness program that has been recognized as one of the best in the country.  You are truly among the best of the best.  You should be proud of your efforts and the impact you are making on the lives of those you serve” –Tyler Roberts, Executive Director, WCWI

Gold Well Workplace Award Winner: 
Silver Well Workplace Award Winner:
Small Business Well Workplace Award Winner:


The Well Workplace Awards initiative is driven by a rigorous set of criteria outlined in WELCOA’s seven benchmarks to a results-oriented Well Workplace. Since its inception in 1991, over 1,000 organizations, ranging from educational institutions to non-profit and profit sectors have joined the list of “America’s Healthiest Companies” by receiving the Well Workplace Award.


Want to join the ranks of America's Healthiest Companies?

Join our Well Workplace University Training to learn how to implement the 7 Benchmarks at your Organization! 

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