When asked about WCWI we often speak of our archived resources, workshops, and consultations. However, there’s one member opportunity that is one of our favorites—WCWI Light of Wellness Awards.
WCWI's Light of Wellness Awards is your chance, as a wellness committee and organization, to showcase an individual employee’s extraordinary achievements. The awards fall into three categories:
- Healthy Behavior celebrates the accomplishments of an employee who has made significant lifestyle changes as a result of participating in your program.
- Leadership recognizes an individual who has inspired others, served as a role model, and/or demonstrated ongoing participation and commitment to your worksite wellness program.
- Rising Light honors an employee who participates in your program and has taken the initial steps toward success in their wellness journey.
In 2016, we had over 40 nominations! Nominations from organizations stating that these specific employees are catalysts to their culture and wellness program. The winners were:
Healthy Behavior:
• Honorable Mention: John Opiela’s, from Kimberly-Clark Corporation, journey started back in 2012. He went from being a non-exerciser and stating “he has no time to exercise” to being front row in KC’s noon classes each week. He has become a happier, healthier and productive employee and team leader for other KC employees. Currently, he serves as a strong champion and advocate for his employees to participate and make changes of their own!
• Healthy Behavior Winner: Janet Mezera, from Miniature Precision Components (MPC), joined the MPC wellness program in 2009 and only did enough to earn her incentives. With the help of the MPC onsite medical clinic and coaches, Janet has modified her eating habits, got herself a Fitbit and exercise has become a regular part of her life. Now she has more energy when she goes home at the end of the day; for a walk or to play with her grandkids. Her blood sugar is under control, she dropped her cholesterol, the knee pain has gone away and she no longer needs handicap parking. Her advice to others “Just put your mind to it. If you believe it, you can achieve it. Don’t give up; you have to have faith in yourself. It is not easy, but you will get there.”
• Honorable Mention: Lisa Peyton-Caire, from Summit Credit Union, has almost single handedly, revived and advanced Summit Credit Union’s wellness program. She has recruited and leads the wellness committee, has created and oversees several annual wellness campaigns across the organization and strives to embed wellness into the workplace culture. Her enthusiasm, creativity, and leadership have allowed Summit to build a strong foundation from which their program can expand. She’s not only a leader but an advocate for employee wellness!
• Leadership Winner: Dawn Davies, from Verve, a credit union, has had the biggest impact on the success and growth of the Verve Health and Wellness program. She is a role model because she has not only made her own wellness a priority, but she enthusiastically shares it with others as she promotes the program by recruiting team members to participate in a variety of wellness offerings. She walks the walk and has been an example for her team through her struggles and successes. She’s extremely relatable, has a contagious amount of enthusiasm and consistently promotes a supportive environment that enhances their wellness culture and has positively impacted others to help create a happier and healthier Verve!
Rising Light
• Honorable Mention: Christopher Bauder, from Froedtert Health, has made significant improvements in his health. After 25 years of smoking, Chris is now over two full months of being smoke free. He shared with his team at Froedtert that his first introductory meeting with them they informed him that “it is infectious” to work with a group of people that not only talk the talk, but walk the walk, he quickly jumped on the bandwagon! He now participates in the internal wellness program, takes frequent walk breaks, and is more active with his family and children.
• Rising Light Winner: Anne Rappert, from Network Health, took her first step to better health in February and stated that she didn’t want to be another statistic. Since then, she has shown a tremendous amount of dedication to becoming a healthier version of herself. She has seen positive changes internally and externally with weight loss, decreased blood numbers and continues to set challenging goals for herself! She is an advocate for wellness with a strong will-power and commitment that inspires others! Keep up the good work, Anne!
• Rising Light Winner: Deborah Malcolm, from Kimberly-Clark, has taken the first and most difficult step towards a healthier lifestyle. Given her sedentary job, she has made the commitment to come to our exercise classes and participate in all the programs that KC offers. She has embraced both the physical and mental components of the wellness program. She consistently wears a smile on her face and is the first to give a friendly hello. She has joined the early morning “rooster rides” with some of the best cyclists at KC and strongly believes that it is not about the number on the scale but how she feels each and every day. She is right on track to continue her voyage to a healthier life!