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Be a Change Agent

Guest Blogger
Hanlie Van Wyk
Culture change Expert, Systems Strategist, Personal Change Coach, Author 
WCWI's Q3 & Q4 Regional Workshop Facilitator

Be a Change Agent

Have you built the capacity to spread wellbeing throughout your business by training change agents?

A Change Agent is simply someone who supports, advocates for, or promotes the application of positive habits in the lives of the people they know. It does not refer to or require physical skill, health status, or knowledge of wellness concepts. Think of it as professional development, which will enable you to become an agent of change for the people in your life. If you find it easy to influence others and quickly bring about beneficial change that is long lasting, then you don’t need a Change Agent Program! But, if you have not been able to achieve this, either at work or at home, the Program will show you the way. 


Measure your Progress + Track Success

Have you built a credible and reliable scorecard for your wellbeing program?

Why should investment in wellbeing be judged any differently to any other capital investment? Calculation of Return on Investment (ROI) is used in almost every business. It’s an essential tool in determining whether a company’s precious capital should be tied up in a particular venture or project by projecting the value or ‘return’ (mostly financial) that it will create for the business. Before deploying any intervention, we recommend that you take the time to set out your expectations in a scorecard – what will change because of the investment you’re making, and when?  Within that scorecard, you should include ROI and invest a few hours upfront thinking about how that can be calculated. When the CFO comes calling, you’ll be ready to justify your investment.  


Culture change Expert, Systems Strategist, Personal Change Coach, Author 

Attend our Four-Week, Virtual Workshop with Hanlie:

Design Your Culture: The Transformative Power of Habits in the Workplace
Q3 Workshop: 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
July 15, July 22, July 29, August 5
Design the conditions of your company to empower employees to thrive through the practice of positive habits. In this workshop participants will gain insight into the habits that matter most for their organizations; they will learn the habit adoption formula for change; learn how to apply influence methods; assess your capacity for change and set basic measures. 
Learn More

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