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Access these additional resources from our conference and keynotes!

As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, we want to say thank you for joining us at our 28th Annual Worksite Wellness Conference on October 30 to Inspire. Explore. Create.  Our purpose was to bring together Wisconsin’s professionals to gather new inspiration, explore new ideas, and create new opportunities for you and your organization. With 584 attendees, we are grateful to those who joined us in Madison for an impactful learning and networking experience! 
Corporate WCWI Members = 46%
Associate WCWI Members = 11%
Non-Members = 25%



Finance/Insurance = 20%
Health Provider = 20%
Education = 19%
Public/Government = 15%
Manufacturing = 10%
Service/Retail = 10%
WCWI is a community of connected employers who are transforming Wisconsin’s workforce. In an effort to keep you connected to the resources and best practices that were shared at our conference, we’re continuing many conversations from that day through our blog. We’ve already been highlighting the outcomes of the charitable giving activity for Madison-area nonprofit organizations, the additional learning opportunities that will come from the WCWI Member Panel session, and some key takeaways from the Skill Building Sessions. We hope you're excited because we have more to come!
New this year, WCWI members will be able to access videos of our featured keynotes: MJ Shaar and Ryan Picarella! Keep reading to access these!

A Model of Positivity for Extraordinary Workplaces – MJ Shaar

MJ Shaar is one of the most sought-after experts applying positive psychology to health promotion. She presented a high-energy session with insight from many fields of research and introduced strategies to apply a model of positivity  to our work in wellness. MJ described the connection between improved mood and improved overall health and wellbeing. She inspired us with ideas to infuse positive emotions, purpose and relationships to cultivate an extraordinary workplace culture.

Watch MJ Shaar's Keynote


RESOURCE:  Big Little Things wellness challenge
Interested in bringing positivity and the importance of self-care to your workplace?  Conference attendees get first access to Big Little Things by completing the conference evaluation!  Created by TAVi Health and WCWI, this 6-week wellness challenge will encourage your employees to add simple, intentional self-care activities to everyday life. The Big Little Things challenge will bring awareness to the importance of continuously assessing and prioritizing self-care across all dimensions of wellbeing.  *This wellness challenge will be available to all WCWI Members at no additional cost in 2019!
Contact Angeline Day to get your Big Little Things

A New Generation of Wellness: Your Part in the Evolution – Ryan Picarella

As President of WELCOA, Ryan ignites organizations and communities to create holistic wellness initiatives that improve the lives of working people. Ryan shared deep insight into the multi-year collaborative and research-focused evolution of the Well Workplace Process – in which WCWI and our members played an essential role. He highlighted key insights that are realigning, refreshing and progressing workplace wellness.
Watch Ryan Picarella's Keynote
RESOURCE:  WELCOA’s 7 Benchmarks Certification Course – the evolved benchmarks
The new certification course is here! Master the skills needed to design and deliver successful employee wellness initiatives. Throughout this certification, you will gain a deeper understanding of how to successfully start and grow your wellness initiatives, increase employee engagement and effectively communicate your wellness value story.
COMPLETE THE NEW 7 Benchmark Certification

Lisa Grenfell, WELCOA Faculty
Member Engagement Manager
Learn more about me.

Marissa Kalkman, MS, MCHES
Executive Director
Learn more about me.

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