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A Rich History, a Strong Future Serving You.

In 2015, the Wellness Council of Wisconsin (WCWI) celebrated 30 years of serving Wisconsin employers. Over the last 30 years, worksite wellness has changed!  However, one thing remains the same – our commitment to you! Today we launch a new look and a new website that will continue this same strong commitment for years to come.  As Wisconsin’s premier resources for workplace wellness, WCWI’s mission is to serve you by:
  • Empowering your organization to transform culture to change lives;
  • Helping you build comprehensive and sustainable programs;
  • Offering local support with a national network;
  • Connecting you to 700 likeminded professionals who support over 500 organizations
Wisconsin employers have a rich history of leading the charge in corporate wellness not only in WI, but nationwide.  A trip down memory lane tells an interesting story. The Wellness Council has its origins in the mid-1980s when Lynn Bardele, then Manager of Personnel Relations for Northwestern Mutual in Milwaukee, happened to meet Bill Kizer at a national Health Insurance Association of America (HIAA) meeting. Bill told Lynn about an organization for businesses interested in worksite health promotion that he had helped to create in Omaha called the Wellness Council of the Midlands (WELCOM) and later the Wellness Council of America (WELCOA), and with that, the seed was planted for the Milwaukee Wellness Council. Did you know that the Wellness Council of Wisconsin originated the same year as WELCOA?
Lynn returned to Milwaukee and recruited the nine founding companies that established the Milwaukee Wellness Council. Within the first full year of operation in 1986, the Council expanded membership to 43 companies. In 2003, WELCOA formally approved the expansion of our service area and our name changed to Wellness Council of Wisconsin. Today, we serve over 700 members statewide representing more than 450,000 employees.  
We hope you like our new look and website. However, our work is not done. In the fall, we will be launching a WCWI Member Dashboard that will deliver tools and resources specific to Wisconsin. The Dashboard coupled with WELCOA’s resources will deliver even more powerful tools for your organization. This will be a robust resource built on 30 years of serving Wisconsin employers.  
I am joined by WCWI staff and the Wellness Council Board of Directors when I say; we look forward to serving you for the next 30 years to improve health to empower business!
Be well,
Executive Director 
Wellness Council of Wisconsin

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