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5 ways to make the most of your conference


WCWI's 28th Annual Worksite Wellness Conference is next week!
Here are 5 ways for you to make the most of your conference experience: 


  1. Connect peronsally or via #wcwiconference!
    There are nearly 600 Wisconsin professionals representing organizations of all industries and sizes gathering on Tuesday!  Simply say hello and ask few questions- perhaps you'll become inspired by their wellness stratieges and explore new ideas! Want to connect to the masses?  Use #wcwiconference. Our conference is a great representation of membership community - connected employers who are transforming Wisconsin’s workforce. 
  2. Find a local wellness provider to ease and/or enhance your wellness strategies!
    We are grateful to have nearly 60 local wellness providers showcasing their services to enhance your wellness initiatives. You can visit them throughout the day in the Madison Ballroom ABCD.
  3. Support the Madison Community!
    Visiting the exhibitors is also an opportunity to support three non-profit organizations that are making their own extraordinary impact in Madison (Rise, Journey, Second Harvest Food Bank).
  4. Nurture your mind, body, and spirit.
    During the networking breaks, jump in to the YMCA’s physical activities to have fun, learn some new movements, and put yourself first!
  5. Continuing Education Credits
    You can earn CHES/MCHES, HRCI, and NWI continuing education credits, as applicable to your certifications. Reference your conference booklet for more information.


    BONUS!  WCWI has partnered again with TAVi Health to offer a ready-to-implement wellness challenge, Big Little Things, which will help your employees practice self-care as a vital habit to enhance their wellbeing. You’ll receive this upon completion of our conference evaluation!


Save the date:
29th Annual Worksite Wellness Conference

September 12, 2019
Kalahari Resort & Convention Center
Thank you to our conference sponsors and Partners of Support.

Their commitment to WCWI allows us to fulfill our mission of being Wisconsin’s premier resource for workplace wellness and ensures that we can continue to provide a membership community of connected employers who are transforming Wisconsin’s workforce. 

Lisa Grenfell, WELCOA Faculty
Member Engagement Manager
Learn more about me.

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