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3 Wisconsin Employers Listed in National Healthiest 100

The Healthiest 100 Workplaces in America award program honors employers of all sizes, all regions and all industries. Applicants are scored with The Healthiest Employers Index (HEI), a 1-100 metric that addresses the six critical dimensions of workplace wellness: culture and leadership commitment, foundational components, annual planning, communications and marketing, programming and interventions, and reporting and analysis.
As these organizations continue to make an impact in our local communities, the Wellness Council of Wisconsin (WCWI) would like to congratulate them on their national achievement!  Below are the three Wisconsin based employers among The Healthiest 100: 
The Starr Group | #10
Froedtert Health | #45
La Macchia Enterprises (The Mark Travel Corporation) | #63
(Sarah Marshall, La Macchia Enterprises; Mary Starr, The Starr Group; Kathy Menard Rothe, Froedtert Health)

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