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2020 WCWI Roundtables Series

Choose Your Track to Connected Conversation

The Roundtable series provides Wisconsin employers a forum for valuable networking and idea-sharing with thoughtfully facilitated conversations.  Since launching in 2017, the WCWI Roundtables have been a platform for wellness professionals to connect and discuss various topics and experiences related to workplace wellness. 
To forge deep connections and spark dynamic conversations, the 2020 Roundtables will be offered as a quarterly in-person series (4 sessions per series) intended for wellness professionals who align in their development goals and shared interests. You will be able to choose one of three tracks, with each track experience being unique in purpose, goal-setting structure, and discussion topics. You can register for any of the three tracks based on what interests you most, and you’ll join a robust and diverse mix of wellness peers – our belief is that many perspectives from various industries in each series will result in energizing conversation and actionable idea-sharing!
The WCWI Roundtables have always been intended to gather individuals who are eager to share their experiences, visions, questions, and challenges. The 2020 Roundtable structure takes this one step further by empowering you to set initial goals for your series of networking and shape the discussion for each of your sessions. 
No matter which track you choose, you will experience:
  1. Stimulating discussion collaboratively driven by WCWI and your Roundtable peers
  2. Unique goal-setting to guide your experience through the series
  3. Networking and idea-sharing with like-minded professionals

Learn more about the three unique tracks:

  • Personal Growth Track

This track is intended for those looking to connect on topics that are directly related to their own personal and professional growth as a wellness professional.  Participants in this track will be able to hear and share what skills and professional development opportunities have helped create personal success for others, and discuss additional opportunities for building a proficient wellness professional skillset. 
  • Organizational Impact Track

This track is intended for those looking to learn and share with each other in discussion that will help to expand wellness initiatives into culture-focused wellbeing strategies. These sessions will focus on the many different paths to developing a successful wellbeing strategy, supported by the experiences shared by your roundtable peers.  
  • Topics in Wellbeing Track

This track is intended for those looking for a place to discuss new and developing trends related to wellbeing. Discussions will focus on expanding the knowledge of trending and relevant ideas supporting holistic employee wellbeing. You will be able to discuss strategy and impact with a group of peers committed to learning and sharing ideas in how to implement support for these leading-edge concepts. 
What track will you choose in 2020 to support your learning, networking, and growth?
Check out the WCWI Roundtables 

Angeline Day, MPH, CHES
Program Manager
Learn more about me.

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