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WCWI's 2019 Annual Conference Morning Keynote

29th Annual Employee Wellbeing Conference

Designing Places Where People Flourish

Thursday, September 12, 2019
Kalahari Resort & Convention Center | Wisconsin Dells, WI
--Registration opens Early June 2019--
Kristen Hadeed, CEO & Founder, Student Maid
Kristen Hadeed is the CEO and founder of Student Maid, a cleaning company that has employed thousands of millennials over the last decade and is known for building the next generation of leaders. In addition to leading her own company, she now helps organizations around the world make a lasting, meaningful impact on people by creating environments in which they thrive. She has worked with a variety of industries including healthcare, education, retail, real estate, nonprofit, hospitality, aviation, and consumer products. In 2017, she published her first book, "Permission to Screw Up," in which she tells the stories of her biggest mistakes in leadership. She hopes to inspire other leaders to share their "perfectly imperfect" stories of success to empower people with the knowledge that their most challenging moments can become their biggest leadership lessons. Kristen and Student Maid have been featured in news outlets including PBS, FOX Inc., NBC, TIME, and Forbes. Her first TED Talk has received more than three million hits on YouTube.
Topic: “Building a Place to Belong”
What would it take to keep an endless stream of college students lining up to clean toilets, scrub tubs, mop up messes, and keep coming back for more? After years of running her own cleaning company and working with businesses in other not-so-glamorous industries, what she’s discovered is that it’s not about the job, the pay, the fancy office, or the perks. It’s all about creating a culture of belonging.
In this funny, bold and brutally honest presentation, Kristen shares what she’s learned as an entrepreneur who built a cleaning company with an industry-leading retention rate and as a consultant for a wide range of businesses around the world. If leaders create a healthy environment, people will come to work excited and go home at the end of the day feeling valued and fulfilled.
Discover how to bring humanity into your work and your organization 
and how to keep it at the forefront.
We proudly acknowledge our Keynote and Session Sponsor: 

Lisa Grenfell, WELCOA Faculty
Assistant Director, Marketing & Membership
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