The loyal and dedicated Well City Fox Cities (WCFC) Advisory Board embarked on their journey to achieve their 2nd Well City designation on August 12, 2015 with approval of their strategic plan from the Wellness Council of America (WELCOA). Only one other community in the United States has achieved a Well City designation twice. This community also residing in the state of Wisconsin (Well City Milwaukee). On November, 14 the Fox Cities region was awarded the coveted Well City USA designation by the WELCOA. With the achievement of 2 Well City designations, this showcases over 10 years of commitment to this region and aligning employers through the Well Workplace process.
WCFC Mission: Well City Fox Cities (WCFC) will be the catalyst for every employer to adopt a comprehensive results-oriented worksite wellness program as a key business strategy to a healthier workforce and ultimately leading to a healthier community in the Fox Cities.
WCFC Vision: All Fox Cities employers will offer a comprehensive worksite wellness program to enhance the health and wellbeing of the workforce and community we work, live and play in.
WCFC Goal: Within 36 months, a minimum of 20 employers within the designated Fox Cities region who employ at least 20% of the workforce will have achieved a Well Workplace designation from WELCOA, thus successfully retaining Well City status.
click here to view the official proclamation
Celebrate these organization's achievement of a Well Workplace Award!
Air Wisconsin | Gold Appleton Area School District | Gold Associated | Gold Aurora Health Care | Platinum Children's Hospital of Wisconsin | Gold City of Appleton | Gold Faith Technologies, Inc.| Gold Fox Valley Technical College | Gold Galloway Company | Gold Goodwill North Central Wisconsin | Platinum J.J. Keller & Associates | Platinum Kimberly Area School District | Platinum Kimberly-Clark Corporation | Platinum Lawrence University | Platinum McClone Agency | Silver
Menasha Corp | Gold Menasha Utilities | Small Business Miller Electric | Gold Neenah Joint School District | Gold Network Health Plan | Platinum Robert W. Baird | Gold School Specialty | Gold SECURA Insurance | Platinum ThedaCare | Platinum Tidi Products | Gold United Way Fox Cities | Small Business US Venture | Platinum Verve, a credit union | Gold Werner Electric Supply | Gold YMCA of the Fox Cities | Gold
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