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Well County Sheboygan


Task Force Contact
Kelly Boeldt, Sports Core- Kohler

Impacted Workforce Number

Well City USA Designation Date
November, 2020

View Official Proclamation


Sheboygan County Project Highlights

The project began back in 2015, when community leaders convened to create a Task Force as a sub-committee of the Sheboygan County Activity and Nutrition Coalition (SCAN). The committee identified community interest in exploring best practices in worksite wellness. Adopting WELCOA’s Seven Benchmark strategies was identified as a best practice providing strategic vision and support through resources and expert staff. The Wellness Council of Wisconsin (WCWI) assisted in guiding the committee throughout the 5 year project. 
Sheboygan Well County Vision

To make positive health outcomes a reality for Sheboygan County workforce, residents, and their families through collaborative efforts of community and business leaders focused on health factors, policies, and programs.

Sheboygan Well County Mission

To engage and challenge local business and community leaders to improve the health and wellbeing of the workforce in Sheboygan County.

Sheboygan Well County 2020 Goal Statement 

To achieve “Well County” designation by March 31, 2020 in support of the mission and goals of Sheboygan County Activity & Nutrition Coalition (SCAN), a committee of Healthy Sheboygan 2020. Well County designation requires a minimum of 20 organizations who collectively employ at least 20% of the community’s workforce, to achieve Well Workplace status.

Other Project Highlights Include

• Quarterly Worksite Wellness Connection events were held to provide education and networking opportunities for all Sheboygan area employers.
• The task force endorsed and sponsored the Sheboygan Chamber Worksite Wellness Roundtable.
• Mentors were identified to assist participating businesses throughout the project.
• Annual celebrations were held to celebrate successes of the project.
• In October 2020 the Wellness Council of Wisconsin (WCWI) reported the participating organizations had achieved Well Workplace Award Designations within the project guidelines. Twenty companies who collectively employ 22% of the Sheboygan County workforce met the project requirement to achieve a Well County designation.

Project Impact

The project has positively impacted over 14,000 lives inclusive of the employees and families of the participating organizations. Sheboygan County was able to bring a strategic framework to guide organizations in their worksite wellness efforts. 

"The seven benchmarks enhanced our organizations wellness program by giving us the resources to assess/evaluate how successful our wellness programs are. Our organization has a cohesive wellness team that meets regularly and by adopting the benchmarks framework our wellness team has been able to carefully evaluate wellness initiatives, wellness goals and program outcomes along with ensuring that our organizations wellness strategies tie into our organizations vision"- Sheboygan County Employer

Congratulations to Sheboygan County's

Participating Organizations

Aurora Healthcare
Bemis Mfg. Co
Faith Technologies, Inc.
Holy Family Memorial
HSHS St. Nicholas Hospital
Johnsonville Sausage, LLC
Kohler Co.
McClone Agency, Inc.
Plymouth Foam LLC
Plymouth School District
Prairie States Enterprises LLC

Prevea Health
Sargento Foods, Inc.
Sartori Company
Sheboygan Area School District
Sheboygan County
Sheboygan Paint
Sheboygan County YMCA
St. Nicholas Hospital
Vollrath Company

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