Member Login:


WCWI's Night to Unite

Attendee Evaluation


Hello! It was so good to see everyone in-person.  Can you please share your feedback about your experience?  Your insight is important to us as we continue to plan future conferences and WCWI Member experiences.

NOTE: Questions denoted with an asterisk (*) are required.

Section 1 of 7:

First Name:

Last Name: 

E-mail Address: 


Job Role: 


1. How likely are you to recommend WCWI’s Member Event to your colleagues?
Very Likely  Likely Neutral Not Likely Very Unlikely
2. On a scale from 0 to 10 (0 = very unsatisfied, 10 = very satisfied), please rate your overall satisfaction with WCWI’s Night to Unite?  
3. Please share any additional questions, comments, or feedback about the overall experience.  

Section 2 of 7: Speaker Evaluations


Keynote Speaker | Derek Deprey | SHIFT: From Frustrated to Fulfilled
4. Rate your overall satisfaction with Derek's Keynote content*: 
5. How did Derek's session How did Derek’s session motivate you make today the day you are inspired to change? 
6. What did you learn from Derek that you plan to apply in your work?
7. Please share any additional questions, comments, or feedback about Derek's Keynote.
Emcee | Spencer Jones
8. Rate your overall satisfaction with Spencer's experience*: 
9. How did Spencer inspire you to live your life to the MAX? 
10. What did you learn from Spencer that you plan to apply in your work? 
11. Please share any additional questions, comments, or feedback about Spencer's Keynote. 
Panel Discussion: Health Risk Assessments, Biometric Screenings, Data Collection for the Well-Being Strategist
12. Rate your overall satisfaction with the Panel Discussion content*: 
13. What did you learn from the panelists that you plan to apply in your work? 
14. Please share any additional questions, comments, or feedback about the Panel Discussion. 

Section 3 of 7: Member Event Attendance

15. Please identify how important the following factors were when making your decision to attend WCWI's Night to Unite*:
  1. Cost of Registration:
    Very importantImportantNeutralNot Important
  2. Dates (Time of Year):
    Very importantImportantNeutral Not Important
  3. Time of Day:
      Very Important  Important  Neutral  Not Important
  4. Location of the Event:
    Very ImportantImportantNeutral Not Important
  5. The Night to Unite Theme:
    Very importantImportantNeutralNot Important
  6. Keynote Topics/Speakers:
    Very important ImportantNeutralNot Important
  7. Networking:
    Very important ImportantNeutralNot Important
16. What are other factors that made you decide to attend the Night to Unite?
17. How did you hear about the Night to Unite?* (Please select all that apply)
WCWI Staff Referral
Board Member referral)
Sponsoring organization referral
Speaker referral
General referral (WCWI Member of Non-member referral)
WCWI Website
WCWI Communications (i.e. Email, e-Newsletter, etc.)
WCWI Member Orientation

Section 4 of 7: Overall Event Experience

18. Rate your overall satisfaction with:*
  1. Registration Process:
    Very SatisfiedSatisfied NeutralDissatisfiedVery Dissatisfied
  2. Communications & Attendee Preparation:
    Very SatisfiedSatisfied NeutralDissatisfiedVery Dissatisfied
  3. WCWI Team:
    Very SatisfiedSatisfied NeutralDissatisfiedVery Dissatisfied
  4. Event Theme:
    Very SatisfiedSatisfiedNeutralDissatisfiedVery Dissatisfied
  5. Networking: 
    Very SatisfiedSatisfiedNeutralDissatisfiedVery Dissatisfied
  6. Panel Discussion:
    Very SatisfiedSatisfiedNeutralDissatisfiedVery Dissatisfied
  7. WCWI Social:
    Very Satisfied SatisfiedNeutralDissatisfiedVery Dissatisfied Did Not Attend
  8. Venue:
     Very Satisfied  Satisfied  Neutral  Dissatisfied  Very Dissatisfied
19. If you selected “Dissatisfied” or “Very Dissatisfied” for any of the above, please provide feedback of your rating.
20. What did you enjoy most about this year's Member Event? 

Section 5 of 7: Event Recommendations

21. Recommendations for future topics and/or speakers:
22. Recommendations for improvement:
23. Please select the following experiences you would be interested in attending at a future Member Events: 
Panel Discussion
Focus Groups
Breakout/Small Group Workshops
Industry-Specific Learning Experiences
24. Recommendations for member experiences: 

Section 6 of 7: WCWI Membership Experience

25. Are you a WCWI Member?* 

26. On a scale from 0 to 10 (0 = very unsatisfied, 10 = very satisfied), what is your overall satisfaction with your WCWI Membership. 

27. How likely are you to recommend WCWI Membership to your colleagues and network?* 
Very likely Likely Neutral Unlikely Very unlikely
28. What do you enjoy most about your WCWI Community and membership? 
29. If you are not yet a member, does your organization plan to join our community this year? 


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By Phone: 262.254.7888
