Connect with wellness strategists, culture designers and people leaders coming from over 500 organizations across Wisconsin, Elevate your message and brand to our statewide community of member employers.
Each fall season, WCWI host the largest conference in the Midwest specific to employee wellbeing. We believe your organization and/or your employees would greatly benefit from joining us!
Registration Fees
Early Bird Rate (until July 31): $800 Standard Rate (until Sept.16) : $950
Exhibit Booth - Inclusions and Benefits:
*Option to register as an attendee for the Pre-Conference on October 11, featuring Zach Mercurio, Ph.D. provided at the member rate of $139 - please contact to register for the Pre-Conference and receive an invoice.
In consideration of the needs of all of our exhibitors, floor displays will be allowed; however, the floor display may not exceed the width of the exhibit table. If your exhibit materials require more than the 8’ x 3’ space, exhibitor must register for two (2) exhibit spaces.
Additional Exhibit Fees: Exhibitors are responsible to pay for additional services such as electric or hardline internet in advance, working directly with the Wisconsin Center.
Before registering, please review our Cancellation Policy
High Impact Connection to Attendees:
Please contact Carley Hoelzel, Director of Partnerships and Growth, at if you have additional questions regarding the Exhibitor experience at WCWI’s 32nd Annual Employee Wellbeing Conference on October 12, 2022.
Join us for an in-person social event following Zach Mercurio's Pre-Conference session on October 11, 2022. This event is open to all attendees of WCWI's Annual Conference on October 11 and 12, 2022. Located in Wilson Theater Vogal Hall inside the Milwaukee Performing Arts Center, we encourage you to join us for a night of appetizers, beverages, games, prizes, and most importantly the opportunity to unite and build connections with wellness strategists and people leaders within your WCWI Community. Registration fee: $20 In order to maintain maximum capacity within the theater, all attendees must be registered and paid. To save your spot, complete the registration form.
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