Member Login:


-Conference Attendee Evaluation-


Please share your feedback about your experiences at this year's Conference. Upon submission, you will receive links to:

  • Download the TAVi Health/WCWI Challenge "Ability and Agility" 
  • Conference speaker presentations and handouts

Section 1 of 7:

First Name:

Last Name: 

E-mail Address: 

Job Role: 


Note: Questions denoted with an asterisk (*) are required to submit the evaluation.

1. On a scale from 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend WCWI's Annual Employee Wellbeing Conference to your colleagues?*

2. On a scale from 0 to 10, please rate your overall satisfaction with WCWI's 30th Annual Employee Wellbeing Conference?*

3. Questions/Comments/Additional Feedback 

Section 2 of 7: Keynote and Skill Building Session Speaker Evaluations

Physical Courage Keynote | David Hunnicutt: “The Resilience Dividend: The Payoff of Learning How to Bounce Back” 

4. Did you attend this session?*  

Note: If you did not attend this keynote session, please select Not Applicable (NA) for questions 4a - 4d.

4a. Rate your overall satisfaction with the Physical Courage Keynote on content*:  
4b. Rate your overall satisfaction with the Physical Courage Keynote on presentation quality*:  
4c. Rate your overall satisfaction with the Physical Courage Keynote on value and applicability*:  
4d. Rate your overall satisfaction with the Physical Courage Keynote on the presenter's knowledge and preparedness*:  
5. How did the Physical Courage Keynote inspire you and the strategy for your organization?

6. Questions/Comments/Additional Feedback:


Physical Courage Skill Building Session | Tim Grove: “A Trauma-Informed Approach to Creating Workforce Resilience”

7. Did you attend this session?*: 

* If you did not attend this session, please select Not Applicable (NA) for questions 7a - 7d.

7a. Rate your overall satisfaction with the Physical Courage Session on content*:  

7b. Rate your overall satisfaction with the Physical Courage Session on presentation quality*: 

7c. Rate your overall satisfaction with the Physical Courage Session on session value and applicability*: 

7d. Rate your overall satisfaction with the Physical Courage Session on the presenter's knowledge and preparedness*: 

8. How did this Physical Courage Session inspire you and the strategy for your organization?


9. Questions/Comments/Additonal Feedback:


Physical Courage Skill Building Session | Patty Purpur de Vries: “Redefining Wellness: A Model for Leading During Challenging Times”

10. Did you attend this session?* 

Note: If you did not attend this session, please select Not Applicable (NA) for questions 10a - 10d.

10a. Rate your overall satisfaction with the Physical Courage Session on content*: 

10b. Rate your overall satisfaction with the Physical Courage Session on presentation quality*: 

10c. Rate your overall satisfaction with the Physical Courage Session on session value and applicability*

10d. Rate your overall satisfaction with the Physical Courage Session on the presenter's knowledge and preparedness*

11. How did this Physical Courage Session inspire you and the strategy for your organization?

12. Questions/Comments/Additional Feedback: 


Creative Courage Keynote | Donna Pahel: "Curiosity Thrilled the Cat"

13. Did you attend this session?*: 

Note: If you did not attend this keynote session, please select Not Applicable (NA) for questions 13a - 13d.

13a. Rate your overall satisfaction with the Creative Courage Keynote on content*

13b. Rate your overall satisfaction with the Creative Courage Keynote on presentation quality*

13c. Rate your overall satisfaction with the Creative Courage Keynote on session value and applicability*

13d. Rate your overall satisfaction with the Creative Courage Keynote on the presenter's knowledge and preparedness*

14. How did the Creative Courage Keynote inspire you and the strategy of your organization?

15. Questions/Comments/Additonal Feedback:

Creative Courage Skill Building Session | Rebecca Johnson: “Courageous Leadership for Wellbeing: Your Impact and Influence"

16. Did you attend this session?*  

Note: If you did not attend this session, please select Not Applicable for questions 16a - 16d.

16a. Rate your overall satisfaction with the Creative Courage Session on session content*
16b. Rate your overall satisfaction with the Creative Courage Session on presentation quality*
16c. Rate your overall satisfaction with the Creative Courage Session on session value and applicability*
16d. Rate your overall satisfaction with the Creative Courage Session on the presenter's knowledge and preparedness*

17. How did the Creative Courage Session inspire you and the strategy of your organization?

18. Questions/Comments/Additional Feedback:

Creative Courage Skill Building Session | Beth Ridley: “Be a Better Leader with Positive Psychology"

19. Did you attend this session?*  

Note: If you did not attend this session, please select Not Applicable for questions 19a - 19d.

19a. Rate your overall satisfaction with the Creative Courage Session on session content*
19b. Rate your overall satisfaction with the Creative Courage Session on presentation quality*
19c. Rate your overall satisfaction with the Creative Courage Session on session value and applicability*
19d. Rate your overall satisfaction with the Creative Courage Session on the presenter's knowledge and preparedness*

20. How did the Creative Courage Session inspire you and the strategy of your organization?


21. Questions/Comments/Additional Feedback:

Moral Courage Keynote | Sandro Galea: “It Is All Our Lane: Bringing Values and Data to Bear on Creating a Healthier World”

22. Did you attend this session?*  

Note: If you did not attend this keynote session, please select Not Applicable for questions 22a - 22d.

22a. Rate your overall satisfaction with the Moral Courage Keynote on session content*
22b. Rate your overall satisfaction with the Moral Courage Keynote on presentation quality*
22c. Rate your overall satisfaction with the Moral Courage Keynote on session value and applicability*
22d. Rate your overall satisfaction with the Moral Courage Keynote on the presenter's knowledge and preparedness*

23. How did the Moral Courage Keynote inspire you and the strategy of your organization?


24. Questions/Comments/Additional Feedback:

Moral Courage Skill Building Session | Molly Heisterkamp: “Demonstrating Care throughout the Employee Lifecycle"

25. Did you attend this session?*:  

Note: If you did not attend this session, please select Not Applicable for questions 25a - 25d.

25a. Rate your overall satisfaction with the Moral Courage Session on session content*
25b. Rate your overall satisfaction with the Moral Courage Session on presentation quality*
25c. Rate your overall satisfaction with the Moral Courage Session on session value and applicability*
25d. Rate your overall satisfaction with the Moral Courage Session on the presenter's knowledge and preparedness*

26. How did the Moral Courage Session inspire you and the strategy of your organization?

27. Questions/Comments/Additional Feedback:

Moral Courage Skill Building Session | Shawn Gulyas: “Get Real - Uncovering Your Values-Based Organization"

28. Did you attend this session?* 

Note: If you did not attend this session, please select Not Applicable for questions 28a - 28d.

28a. Rate your overall satisfaction with the Moral Courage Session on session content*
28b. Rate your overall satisfaction with the Moral Courage Session on presentation quality*
28c. Rate your overall satisfaction with the Moral Courage Session on session value and applicability*
28d. Rate your overall satisfaction with the Moral Courage Session on the presenter's knowledge and preparedness*

29. How did the Moral Courage Session inspire you and the strategy of your organization?


30. Questions/Comments/Additional Feedback:

Social Courage Keynote | Kori Carew: “Cultivating Change: Choose Courage"

31. Did you attend this session?* 

Note: If you did not attend this keynote session, please select Not Applicable for questions 31a - 31d.

31a. Rate your overall satisfaction with the Social Courage Keynote on session content*
31b. Rate your overall satisfaction with the Social Courage Keynote on presentation quality*
31c. Rate your overall satisfaction with the Social Courage Keynote on session value and applicability*
31d. Rate your overall satisfaction with the Social Courage Keynote on the presenter's knowledge and preparedness*

32. How did the Social Courage Keynote inspire you and the strategy of your organization?

33. Questions/Comments/Additional Feedback:

Social Courage Skill Building Session | Eric Marcoe: “The Coach Within - A Courageous Approach to Being Curious"

34. Did you attend this session?*  

Note: If you did not attend this session, please select Not Applicable for questions 34a - 34d.

34a. Rate your overall satisfaction with the Social Courage Session on session content*
34b. Rate your overall satisfaction with the Social Courage Session on presentation quality*
34c. Rate your overall satisfaction with the Social Courage Session on session value and applicability*
34d. Rate your overall satisfaction with the Social Courage Session on the presenter's knowledge and preparedness*

35. How did the Social Courage Session inspire you and the strategy of your organization?


36. Questions/Comments/Additional Feedback:

Social Courage Skill Building Session | Susan Morgan Bailey: "No One Size Fits All: Incorporating DE&I Into Wellbeing Strategy"

37. Did you attend this session?*  

Note: If you did not attend this session, please select Not Applicable for questions 37a - 37d.

37a. Rate your overall satisfaction with the Social Courage Session on session content*
37b. Rate your overall satisfaction with the Social Courage Session on presentation quality*
37c. Rate your overall satisfaction with the Social Courage Session on session value and applicability*
37d. Rate your overall satisfaction with the Social Courage Session on the presenter's knowledge and preparedness*

38. How did the Social Courage Session inspire you and the strategy of your organization?


39. Questions/Comments/Additional Feedback:

Section 3 of 7:

Conference Attendance

40. Please identify how important the following factors were when making your decision to attend the Conference*:

Continuing Education Units/Credits: 

Cost of Registration: 

Dates (Time of Year):  

Keynote Session Topics/Speakers:  


Skill Building Topics/Speakers:  

41. What are other factors made you decide to attend the conference?

42. How did you hear about our conference?* (Select all that apply.)

Attending other WCWI learning opportunities

Social Media (LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.)

General Referral (WCWI Member or Non-Member Referral)

WCWI Website

WCWI e-Newsletter, Orientation, or Information Packet, etc.)

WCWI Direct (Staff) Email

Board Member Referral

Sponsoring Organization Referral

Speaker Referral


Section 4 of 7:

Overall Conference Satisfaction

43. Rate your overall satisfaction with*:

Registration Process: 

Continuing Educations Units/Credits: 

Attendee Package: 

Conference Journal:


Virtual Conference Website - Ease of use/Navigation: 

Exhibitor-hosted Enrichment Sessions: 

Networking Leading into the Skill Building Sessions: 

Members-Only Speaker Networking: 


44. If you selected "Dissatisfied" or "Very Dissatisfied", please provide feedback for your rating. 

45. Additional Comments/Questions:

Section 5 of 7:

Conference Recommendations:

46. Recommendations for future topics and/or speakers:

47. Recommendations for improvement:


Section 6 of 7:

WCWI Membership Experience

48. Are you a WCWI Member?* 

49. On a scale of 0 to 10, what is your overall satisfaction with your WCWI Membership?* 

50. How likely are you to recommend WCWI Membership to your colleagues and network?* 


Section 7 of 7:

Continuing Education

If you do not require any continuing education credits, please continue to the bottom of the page to submit your evaluation. 

If you require CHES, and/or NWI continuing education credits, please fill out all applicable fields including your contact information. You will also receive a certificate of attendance for this event. 

Full Name: 





Sponsored by the Wellness Council of Wisconsin, a designated provider of continuing education contact hours (CECH) in health education by the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc. (NCHEC). This program is designated for Certified Health Education Specialists (CHES) and/or Master Certified Health Education Specialists (MCHES) to receive up to 12.0 Category I continuing education contact hours (CECH).



The National Wellness Institute (NWI) has approved the 30th Annual Employee Wellbeing Conference for 12.0 Category 1 continuing education credit (CEC) hours for NWI Certified Wellness Practitioners, Certified Worksite Wellness Specialists, Certified Worksite Wellness Program Managers, and Wellness in Clinical Practice certification holders.

myNWI ID:  

NWI Certification Held:  

NWI Certification Expiration Date (s):  

NWI CECs Earned: 


The WCWI is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for the SHRM-CPSM or SHRM-SCPSM. This program is valid for 9 PDCs for the SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP. For more information about certification or recertification, please visit Self report using Activity ID: 20-D2TNF
51. Please list other Continuing Education Credits you would like to see offered.



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By Phone: 262.254.7888
