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In each section, read through the statements and choose the one that resonates with you the most.
A. I believe wellbeing comes before wellness and that wellbeing must expand past physical wellbeing
B. I take time to upskill my work as a wellness professional and invest in my professional development to better lead our wellbeing strategy
C. Speaking up and sharing my voice and ideas, even if I’m fearful of the disruption it may cause, is necessary to make progress in how my organization supports wellbeing.
D. I’ve requested to make a change at work that aligns more with my personal values
I connect the most with Statement
A. When times are challenging, I accept the reality and create positive energy to respond.
B. In this past year, I’ve created something new and innovative to better align our wellbeing strategy to our workplace culture-fully stepping outside of my comfort zone.
C. Over the last year, I’ve taken steps to grow my inclusion mindset by seeking to listen and learn.
D. I strive to practice our organizational values daily in my own actions, behaviors, and my work
I connect the most with Statement
A. I create meaning out of adversity and encourage myself and team to find hope, compassion and gratitude to move forward resiliently
B. I am focusing my approach to creating a culture of wellbeing by investing my time and energy in cultivating leadership support and collaboration amongst stakeholders.
C. I initiate conversations to collaborate and bring diverse perspectives to our wellbeing strategy.
D. I believe that making the connection between our organization’s core values and our wellbeing strategy is of ultimate importance and not just a nice-to-have
I connect the most with Statement
A. It’s time that we change the narrative of wellbeing and expand the current scope. As a wellness practitioner, I see myself as a leader in this shift.
B. I am energized by “thinking outside of the box,” asking questions, and exploring what’s possible.
C. During times of social distance, remote work, and shifting work cultures, I’m committed to sustaining positive and meaningful social connections
D. Care and compassion for the whole person are vital values for leaders and strategic collaborators to draw upon in order to drive impactful wellbeing support
I connect the most with Statement
A. In conversations where my ideas are not understood or agreed with, I am able to lean into my resilience to overcome frustration or feelings of defeat.
B. I seek out new and interesting ideas and I’m an early-adopter in experimenting with these ideas at my organization.
C. It is my highest priority to ensure that employees feel seen, heard, and cared for – above all else
D. Leadership is part of my role, whether it’s officially in my title or job description or not
I connect the most with Statement
Tally the number of A, B, C, and D's that you selected. Which letter did you answer the most?
Have a tie? Read the following statements of the two letters you tied and select which resonates with you the most as the tie-breaker.
A - I step past my comfort zone to shift the narrative of wellbeing in somewhat risky yet rewarding ways.
B - With a growth mindset, I will continue to experiment, reframe, and journey through creating a healthy and happy workplace. .
C - I fully support the employee voice and understand what makes people feel heard and known to foster peer connection.
D - I defend and align our shared values with our personal values to create a thriving workplace where everyone feels a sense of belonging.
The letter I most frequently answered was